Online Order Form Creator

Build online order forms in minutes and start collecting orders and payments.

Receive orders in your non-ecommerce website

Now you can receive orders in your regular website, you don't need an ecommerce website anymore.
You can build your own online order form for your products or services and capture payments for your goods.

With Calquo order form you can set up a single step or simulate a cart and checkout process creating two different steps.

Collect online payments for your orders

Configure your Stripe account in your order form and receive payments for the orders you collect in your website.

You can configure which products you want to sell in your form, set a price for them, and  add a formula field to calculate the price for that order. Then add a Payment field to process these payments with Stripe.

Powerful order form builder

Calquo order form builder is very intuitive and powerful.
You can start your order form from one of our templates and customize it in a few clicks.

Add your product names, a picture if you want to make it more ecommerce-like, and a price. Set up your steps and the personal information you want to grab from your users.

If you want to collect payments for your orders, just add your payment field, and you are ready to embed your order form to your website and start receiving orders from your customers.

Engaging UX for your order form

Our order forms are very integrated in your website, you can customize them to have your own design, and users will have a engaging experience through the order process.

After an order is completed at your form, you'll receive all the order info in your mailbox and you can access all your orders at the Submissions section of your Calquo dashboard.

Online Order Forms FAQ

How can I build an online order form for my website

Stripe is currently our only payment provider for now. We been using and recommending Stripe to all our clients for a few years now. They provide an awesome UX, generate invoices for every payment and it's a certified PCI Level 1 provider.
In the future we may add other payment providers as Paypal, but we got other features in our roadmap before that one.

How can I manage the orders I receive with the order form?

Calquo does not store any credit card data from your customers. We store the rest of the fields from your form, but the Payment data is sent and stored directly in Stripe.

Can I transform my website into an e-commerce with the online order form?

You'll just need to pay the regular Stripe fee, we do not charge any extra free for the transactions made with your Calquo Payment Form.
You can check Stripe fees here: